Smoking nicotine is a very powerful addiction of which 50 million Americans will never be free . However acupuncture as an alternative approach to help people quit smoking is gaining a lot of support as a viable option to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and manage those dreaded cravings.
Most smokers will attempt to quit several times before they are truly successful; this is because the withdrawal symptoms are often quite in-line with the quitting of any other heavy drug addiction. Acupuncture for quitting smoking is not a magic cure. However, it is in conjunction with the advice and treatment of a trained acupuncturist, along with a complete plan that takes in diet, lifestyle habits and exercise.
Acupuncture treatment will focus on several key areas: the restlessness, the cravings and the anxiety withdrawal from the powerful drugs in cigarettes. With the addition of Chinese herbs, the patient can find their way to detoxification and relaxation, two key components of quitting smoking.
Most often definitive lifestyle changes must happen at the same time and are strongly encouraged by all acupuncture professionals. To rid the body of toxins and to assist in the avoidance of relapses, patients will be instructed to increase their servings of fresh fruit, leafy green salads and carrots, stay away from high sugar foods and take-out food that can upset blood sugar levels. Green tea can be used as a great enabler of detoxification along with increasing the intake of simple water and certainly the inclusion of some moderate exercise can revive the metabolism and bring it back into balance.
The mental health aspect also cannot be overlooked when it comes to using acupuncture for quitting smoking. The patient needs a family member or friend in their life that will give words of affirmation and encouragement when things get tough. These strategic people in your life need to be strong but compassionate sounding boards to be relied on when it counts.
Many people will begin to gain weight when quitting smoking. However the reality is quitting smoking will make you far healthier, far more energetic and quite possibly add 10 years or more to your life.
Treatment plans when using acupuncture for quitting smoking will vary from patient to patient. However, one could expect after an initial consultation one or two treatments per week for up to 6-8 weeks, then a monthly treatment for the following 4-6 months.
When you weigh up the cost savings of quitting smoking, not to mention the wasted time and the improved general health, acupuncture and other Chinese Medicine modalities make very good sense and give every person wanting to quit smoking all the possible chances to be successful.
Nikki Peoples
Satori Acupuncture of Knoxville