Based on current trends it is estimated 130 million Americans will be considered clinically obese by 2030. So the option of using an alternative medicine approach, such as acupuncture for weight loss, has increased markedly in recent times and for very good reasons.
Obviously, just being overweight is not a simple issue, nor is it an easy fix. Focusing on general health by way of correct nutrition, moderate exercise, and applying stress management techniques, can all assist a patient to reach their weight loss goals. However natural health approaches, like acupuncture and Chinese medicine, may just be the catalyst needed to enhance one’s weight-management plan and make those goals a reality.
So it is very important for the acupuncturist to establish the state of the patient’s overall health before starting an acupuncture treatment plan. Most acupuncturists will examine the patient’s tongue and basic pulse and metabolic levels. This, together with establishing known eating and lifestyle habits, will help the acupuncturist decide where the fine sterile acupuncture needles will be placed on the patient’s body.
In an article written by Jamie Starkey, LAC of Cleveland on Dr Oz’ website, she explained there have been some great studies on how acupuncture can be an excellent treatment option for weight loss.
These improvements from acupuncture treatment for weight loss include:
- Increases in a patient’s metabolism: Auricular (ear) acupuncture has shown results to suppress appetite through effects on the autonomic nervous system and temporarily increases the basal metabolic rate.
- Improvements in insulin resistance: There have been results indicating acupuncture’s effectiveness on a condition known as insulin resistance, tied with metabolic syndrome. This is produced by altering the sympathetic nervous system and therefore correcting the insulin signal defect.
- Reduction in abdominal fat: MRI studies have shown a decrease in abdominal fat storage after acupuncture treatment sessions.
- Appetite suppression: In some animal studies electric acupuncture influenced the hypothalamus and obesity related hormones to assist in appetite suppression.
- It is the belief by practitioners of Chinese medicine that major weight gains are mainly caused by an imbalance in the body due to a breakdown of the spleen and liver organ systems.
Satori Acupuncture of Knoxville will attempt to hone in on the specific body areas that will help facilitate the patient’s weight loss targets. Amongst these are the endocrine system and kidneys, which are treated to adjust water retention and to stimulate nerve and hormonal re-balancing. The spleen and thyroid gland will also be addressed to effect sugar and hormonal re-balancing. Lastly the adrenal and ovary glands are targeted to treat weight gain due to menopause or Premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
We believe at Satori Acupuncture of Knoxville that acupuncture is a validated modality that combined with a whole body and lifestyle approach to good health can in time bring significant and possibly long term success for weight loss.
Some people notice the effects of acupuncture for weight loss quickly and only require treatments every other week, however at Satori Acupuncture we will devise a full and optimal plan for each patient according to their individual needs.
Nikki Peoples
Satori Acupuncture of Knoxville.